When a Person makes the Right decision to follow the Right God

When you make the Right decision to follow the Right God through the Right way (CHRIST), HE will link you up with the Right people to put the world into the Right place.

Making the decision to know your Creator is wise but knowing Him through the right way is wiser. Jesus Christ is the only Way, the Truth and the Life (Jn 14:6). He (Christ) will make you His disciple and also help you through His Spirit to make more disciples for Himself (Matt 4:19). Through His own wisdom and ways, He will cause the right people to meet you to fulfill His divine purpose.
By so doing, His mighty power and glory will be manifested to the whole world through you. We should not worry how this is going to happen but rather trust Him who is forever Faithful.
 The Lord God Almighty is the One building His own church and will surely accomplish it. AMEN!!!.


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